Please take a few moments to scroll down and read how we can assist you.
Discover how reliable your supply chain is. Learn if it is plan-able and wasting little capacity and carbon, or if it is chaotic and essentially unplannable.
Discover what service-level has been achieved and what is currently being achieved, against the background of supply chain performance e.g. perhaps it is turbulent.
The challenge for Planners is to anticipate the unforeseen. The temptation is to allow slack 'just in case'. This dial gives you an insight into Planning effectiveness.
Too much resource is being committed.
A good balance of resource and results.
Broadly satisfactory, with room to improve.
With periodic reporting bring to the light what parts of your supply chain is well tuned and working well, and which parts are causing wastage and need fixing.
The journey to creating a culture of reliability and higher productivity begins with our Productivity Analysis and when cause and effects are known moves onto baking-in corrective actions Read about our Productivity Predictor tool. Click here for that, or reach out to us.